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Foresight can be better than Hindsight

A Tarot reading can enlighten, ease confusion, and bring clarity and peace of mind to a time in your life when you are at a crossroads or have an unexpected issue you'd like foresight to help you navigate the best way forward. While the Tarot cards are just a tool, the factual information is gleaned by your aura. The Tarot reader taps into your atmosphere (Auric field) to gather the necessary data and understanding of your internal dialogue, and only someone with years of experience as a Master at Tarot will be able to give you the accuracy you need.

Book your opportunity to have a Tarot reading with a leading expert with 30 years of experience reading for people worldwide.

The Tarot appointment is a relaxing session to review aspects of your life from the cards selected on your behalf. Most topics are covered except health and legal matters. Due to my apparent reputation of being straightforward and honest with natural clairvoyant insight, please be prepared for an answer you may or may not want or expect when you ask your question. While all information is presented lovingly, you will receive the honest answer as I've interpreted at that point.

At the start of the appointment, you will receive an overview reading to see what areas of your life the cards give me the direction to discuss. You need to do nothing but listen, as I will ask you no questions during this initial stage. It would be best to avoid 'informing me beforehand either in your email or at the start of the session what area you want to look into.' Let the cards and myself unfold this naturally. 
Once the general overview has ended, I will invite you to discuss what you understood and ask any questions that have not already been touched on.

Choose a twenty minutes appointment by telephone or via Zoom face to face for 30 minutes. Both include a 10 mins general reading with time provided for any areas you wish to discuss within the remainder of the appointment time. 

The Tarot appointment begins from the moment of 'hello' to our 'goodbyes.'
The tarot cards are signposts. The interpretation comes from the auric energy of the sitter, therefore. Nothing is set in stone as you have free will to change the future by the choices you see fit to make. Therefore, listen to the advice from the cards but ultimately, what happens in the future depends on your decisions.
Due to the nature of the reading, all information shared should be viewed as entertainment only. No refunds are offered beyond 48 hours of payment made.

Tarot Card Deck
anne-marie spirit destiny magazine psychic.jfif


Book an appointment in person via Zoom

Experienced professional reader, author, psychic, medium, artist.

Image by Viva Luna Studios
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20 Minutes


with a Professional 30 yeras Tarot Reader

£42.50 - Telephone

Small Paypal admin fee will apply at checkout

Tarot Cards _ Crystals
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30 Minutes


with a Professional 30 yeras Tarot Reader

£75.00 - Zoom

Small Paypal admin fee will apply at checkout

A Brilliant Reading. You were spot on in so many areas.

Thank you so very much.

I have recommended you 

Roxanne D

One of the best readings I have had in a very long time. I would recommend Anne-Marie. Next time by Zoom x

Andrea C

One word. Great!

You bought so much clarity and insight I can't thank you enough.  I'm so happy!!!!

Rebecca S

I can't believe how much information you picked up Anne-Marie! You didn't even ask questions. Amazing!

Owen F

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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