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Meet Your Mentor!

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Gordon Higginson Memorial Scholarship Winner 2014


Anne-Marie Bond

Spiritualist Medium DSNU


Spirit Portrait Artist, Visionary Artist, Psychic Artist and Pet Portrait Artist

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Refine Your Mediumship

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Small group mentorship guided by your tutor allowing you to participate and enjoy developing in new ways to strengthen your ability as a demonstrating Medium.

Suitable for Intermediate levels

In-House Certificate of Completion

30 March 2024 to 09 November 2024

Times: 6.30pm to 8.45pm UK GMT

Check your timezone here

Tutor: Anne-Marie Bond TAP.dip DSNU 


Contact Us
Use this form 'only' if you need to contact us should you have a question prior to signing up.

Thanks for your custom!


The Online Mediumship Mentorship Overview

The six months Mentorship is geared towards training people wanting to develop more confidence, accuracy, and flow in their Mediumship ability—preparation for Platform and Private Sitting development. 

Completion in-house certificate provided on completion (conditions apply).

The Mentorship is open to both UK and NON-UK students and focuses on supporting your:


  • Development as a platform demonstrator

  • Improving your delivery and increasing your flow

  • Finding your natural demonstrator style

  • Improving your self-confidence

  • Finding your pace

  • Finding the right recipient

  • Double contacts

  • Focus on your audience introduction before deming

  • Staying within the power while working

  • Striving for more accurate evidence

  • Building rapport with the recipient

  • Engaging the audience

  • Practical blind readings to increase trust

  • Evaluating recipient's feedback for accurate self-assessment

  • The art of private sittings

  • Final message for the impact of Soul to Soul connection

How The Group Meets

We meet monthly for 2 hours of intensive training online (via Zoom). Together students practice a range of exercises to improve their ability to commune between both worlds effectively and to help them increase their skill to that of a stronger demonstrator.

  • Free Access to the Secret pages on the website of Mediumship this website for free listening to all uploads

  • You will complete knowledge practically and theory work between sessions to strengthen your mental ability. Knowledge work is in place of the traditional term 'homework.'

  • An intermediate to advanced Mentorship is not suitable for complete beginners. 

 Limited numbers! Book now. 


KEY POINT: Invest in your future - Invest in improving your confidence 

Knowledge is power, springboard, and fast-track your ability to conquer your FEAR of demonstrating and getting it wrong or simply feeling not 'good enough.'

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'Your Kind of Medium'.

Mentorship Open to Intermediate levels

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Sessions are 6.30pm - 8.45pm/9.00pm

Students numbers 8 maximum.

End of the Course:

I will be organising 1 or 2, Mentorship Public Presentations of Mediumship. I will organise this event on your behalf and you may choose to participate with other students. There will be no pressure, you will not be forced, but the option will be available.  Your peers will provide their feedback for you to take away and read in your own time of how others found your demonstration. A useful tool to have, I feel! 


There will be a 1hr 'Sitting in the power circle' set within the same class month times to be arranged at the end of each class.  These are free entry for mentorship students, both speakers and mediums.



You will receive an in-house certificate of completion, presented by the Portrait of Spirit,  presented to students that have completed at least 6 of the 7 mentorship dates.  

About Me

I am a qualified teacher, holding DET (formally DTLLS), TAP. Dip Trainer in Delivery and Design, Effective Presentation, Training and Delivery and much more. I am also an Arthur Findlay College Tutor, a CSNUi Review Assessor.

I have extensive confidence building training techniques that span over 23 years teaching adults and always aim to offer 'true' but constructive feedback to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. I am currently on the SNU assessor programme as I believe in continuous study.



The dates of the course 




Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • Sitting in the Power

  • Who is the Actual Communicator

  • Examining Your Evidence

  • Preparing to Work

  • Tutor Demonstration and the Student

  • Mediumship Gallery Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Sitting in the Power Circle  (Recorded)"



Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • The Power of the Mediums Very First Sentence

  • Is a NO, an actual 'No'

  • Double Link vs Inaccuracy of the Medium

  • What to do when no-one responds (other than cry)

  • Exercises to Expand Evidence

  • Mediumship Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Sitting in the Power Circle (Recorded)"



Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • Reviewing your Flow

  • Reviewing your Speed

  • Finding the correct Recipient

  • Reviewing Bitty Mediumship vs Evidential

  • Exercises to Expand Evidence

  • Mediumship Gallery Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Sitting in the Power Circle  (Recorded)"




Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • Changing Tactics from No to Yes - The Mediums Toolbox

  • Overcoming the impact of no-one raising hands

  • The impact of your first statement

  • Assessing Your Mediumship

  • Exercises to Expand Evidence

  • Mediumship Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Sitting in the Power Circle  (Recorded)"



Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • The Struggle with Names

  • Dates, Age, Timeline

  • Audience Self-Introduction 

  • Mediumship Gallery Demonstration / Feedback


Sitting in the Power Circle  (Recorded)"



Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • The Books of Mediumship

  • The Wealth of Mediumship

  • Decreasing The Mediums Fear

  • Mediumship Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Mediumship Circle  (Recorded)"



Focus: Refining Your Mediumship 

  • Public Demonstration Discussion

  • Students Evaluation 

  • Mock Presentation Mediumship Gallery Demonstration / Tutor Feedback


Mediumship Practice Circle  (Recorded)"


1:1 Meeting with Anne-Marie


  • 09 Public Demonstration with Speakers Mentorship Students

  • Depending on numbers / and with / without the Speakers an additional presentation date may be given.


Mentorship Investment

The seven months mentorship may be paid in full, or in 4 installments. 

nts please contact me via email for the installment link, otherwise pay using the button below.



You will receive an email of payment confirmation within the same day with zoom codes. Refunds offered only when requested within 48 hours of payment being made. If you find you are unable to attend all the sessions there are no 'part payment refunds'. This is payment upfront and your decision to ensure you can make it or offer the place to a friend as you will not unfortunately be refunded. The sessions will not be recorded for any session you are unable to make unless it a special occasion.

by February 28th 2024, email Anne-Marie to gain a £120.00 course discount, by paying in full, via bank transfer. She will supply the details.

Email Anne-Marie for bank details if you wish to pay in smaller instalments
(1) £350, (2) £300, (3) £300, (4) £250

full fee will be required.


with Anne-Marie Bond DSNU

Helping you to become
Your Kind of Medium

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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