Guidance from a higher level with a 'birds-eye' view could bring enlightenment as a conscious guidance giving what your Soul needs. A Spirit Guide drawing can help you look at the face of the 'energy of love' working behind the scenes helping and with unconditional love. Each portrait comes with a blended message.
The artwork is sent as a jpeg image at 400dpi to your email account. You can print your artwork into Poster format, frame it and then hang on your wall. These portraits are completed over 5 days but due to a current waiting list your booked request may take slightly longer for the completion of your Spirit guide portrait to arrive.
Instagram: medium_theportraitofspiritart
Anne-Marie Bond CSNUt Spiritualist Medium
Public Reading
Public Talk
Mediumship Demo
Spirit Art Demo
Psychic Art Demo
A full day of Spirit Art Goodness!
with Refreshment Breaks
Learn about Spirit Art and Mediumship
Learn about Encaustic Art and Soul Readings
Take part in the evening Tutor Experimental Demonstration with Students
Treat yourself to an entire day of CREATIVE SPIRITUAL LEARNING. Even if you have attended sessions before this is going to be a fabulous repeat of some aspects of Spirit Portraiture but included new aspects and watch how a Spirit Drawing is formed by your tutor Anne-Marie Bond.
Lot's of NUGGETs supplied throughout the day and the 'great links' to copy and paste into your own browser to continue your investigation of what is shown in the presentation. Don't miss the once a year Spirit Art Seminar Online!
Take part in the evening extravaganza Spirit Art Demonstration with Tutor and Students.
07 November 2020 (Saturday)
14.00-21.00 (GMT)
Starts 09.00 (EDT/EST)
Starts 06.00 (PDT/PST)
£80.00 Full Day
Give time to your Spiritual Art and Soul Growth
Begins: 14.00 - 21.00 (UK - GMT)
Non-UK Students Most Welcome
with Medium, Coach and Artist:
Anne-Marie Bond (DSNUt)
14.00 - Welcome / Intro / Talk
14.10 - Powerpoint Presentation Tutorial
Spirit Art vs Psychic Art
Pioneer of Spirit Art
6 Tips in Becoming A Spirit Artist
14.45 - Tutor Drawing Demonstration:
How to Draw Technical Spirit Portraits
15.00 Students Technical Drawing Portrait Activity (1)
15.15 - The Spirit Artists Toolbox
15.30 - The Breakdown of Evidental Mediumship Tutorial
16.00 - #Refreshment Break 10 mins
Downloadable Handout
16.10 - Psychic Art Drawing Activity (2)
16.25 - P/A Interpretation Actiity (3)
16.45 - Mediumship Activity (4)
17.00 - Spirit Portrait Freehand Drawing Demo (Easy for Beginners)
17.10 - How to draw the Evidence
17.15 - How to draw at Speed
​17.20 - How to combine Speaking and Mediumship
17.30 -17.45 - Students Drawing Activity (Can you draw from a description?) (5)
17.45 - #Lunch/Dinner Break 45 mins
18.30 - Selected Spirit Trance Art Video to Watch (10 mins)
18.40 - Q/A
18.50 - Discover Encaustic Art - Soul Painting in Beeswax Tutorial / Demo
19.30 - Q/A
19.40 #StudentsRefreshmentBreak 10 mins
19.50 - Spirit Art Practice Student's Demonstration
Students / Tutor
20.45 - Seminar Closing / Q/A