Guidance from a higher level with a 'birds-eye' view could bring enlightenment as a conscious guidance giving what your Soul needs. A Spirit Guide drawing can help you look at the face of the 'energy of love' working behind the scenes helping and with unconditional love. Each portrait comes with a blended message.
The artwork is sent as a jpeg image at 400dpi to your email account. You can print your artwork into Poster format, frame it and then hang on your wall. These portraits are completed over 5 days but due to a current waiting list your booked request may take slightly longer for the completion of your Spirit guide portrait to arrive.

How to be
Your Kind of

DATE: 27 DEC 2021
3.00pm-7.30pm UK
Let us explore how you can become 'your kind of medium' in this intimate workshop.
Are you struggling with your Mediumship?
Are you trying to gain more confidence?
Do you wonder what kind of medium you are?
You should already be able to:
Make a contact
Understand the 3 ways to perceive spirit
Aware of the importance of sensitivity
Know why, it's not good to diagnose​ or predict
Understand the difference between Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Mediumship
The majority of student's FEAR is public speaking. Learning to present a demonstration of mediumship publicly is a whole new level of fear. Trainee students FEAR getting it wrong. How often do you watch mediums in services that are not Spiritualist based and give good information but is actually 'psychic based evidence' of the recipient's life instead of the spirit communicators?
This workshop will help you with tools to overcome your FEAR and establish yourself as Your Kind of Medium you want to be. To overcome the fear it is to build the strength of your evidence, and relay the spirit communicator's true message. The classroom should be your playground to accept first failing in order to succeed before demonstrating publicly.
Becoming Your Kind of Medium is learning how to deliver your presentation but also learning how you work with the evidence. Do you just give surface information under pressure or will you allow yourself to relax and allow the communicator to befriend you and lead you, instead of you leading them?
What is your evidence like?
Why do some raise their hands and some don't?
How to identify if you are with the wrong recipient.
Can Music to inspire that space to work?
How not to link and 'save information before working.
What makes some mediums better than others?
How can you introduce your initial evidence better?
How to keep your audience engaged
How to build inner confidence and trust in what you get.

TIME: 3 pm to 7.30 pm UK-GMT
10 am Eastern
9 am Central
8 am Mountain
7 am Pacific
You are responsible to check your own time zone against GMT/BST ahead of the workshop.
ENTRY LEVEL: Strong Beginners / above
COST: £50.00 (Half Price - Happy Christmas)!
3.00 pm - 3.30 pm Welcome & Presentation Talk
3.30 pm - 4.15 pm (Practical )
4. 15 pm - 5.15 pm (Practical )
5.15 pm - 5.45 pm Snack Break
5.45 pm - 7.15 pm (Practical )
7.15 pm - 7.30 pm Feedback / Q.A / Closing
Zoom link will be provided 5 days prior to the event
Due to limitation of student numbers advisable to book in advance
Doors will always open 30 mins prior to event (always arrive early).
Cameras are required to be on
Refunds are not provided beyond 48 hours of payment made (for any reason)
Recording of the event is strictly prohibited without prior permission
The purpose is to support you learning how to become the type of medium you desire to be. Learning how is the first step on the Refine Your Mediumship series.

These are part of a collective series of Mediumship development from the Beginner to advanced Medium to support your growth. Some support the quality of exercises presented in the weekly Refine Your Mediumship Development Coaching circle. Choose to attend in sequence or pick and choose what you feel will assist your growth in Mediumship
Workshop 1 (Beg) -
Workshop 2 (Lower Inter) -
Understanding Mediumship and the No's
Workshop 3 (Higher Inter)-
Workshop 4 (Adv) -
Demonstrating Platform Mediumship
Workshop 5 (Adv) -
The Final Message in Mediumship
Specialised Workshop
Anne-Marie Bond TAP.Dip, DSNUt (Demonstrator)
Spiritualist Medium, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Mentor, Coach and Spiritual Visionary Artist.
"I love teaching student's how to explore their spiritual gifts and helping them to raise their level of confidence, and feel safe to get things wrong, in order to learn how to get them right. I hope to see you in this class.
Anne-Marie x"